Hanang Mountain

Hanang Mountain is a spectacular and magnificent freestanding volcanic mountain located near Katesh town, Hanang district in Manyara region in the northern Tanzania. It is the mountain with the fifth highest peak in Tanzania (about 11,211 Feet), it is 3420 meters above the sea level and this mountain is surrounded by a lush 5871Hectare of natural forest reserves. Hanang mountain can be climbed through several routes including the one that starts at Gendabi village on the northwestern side of the mountain allowing you to have scenic approach of this stunning Mountain, it can also be climbed through Giting village on the eastern side of the mountain – a route that offers a spectacular Hanang mountain approach from the remote lands giving you high chance to encounter as many wildlife’s as possible during the hiking experience. The principal route to approach the Mount Hanang summit starts in Katesh town. Hiking to the top through Katesh route can be a bit challenging due to the extreme incline, experienced hikers can approach the summit for just a day and descend back to Katesh town, atleast 10 hours will be enough for the day hike experience on Hanang Mountain, but it is also common for climbers to spend one night in a tented camp on the mountain and reach the summit on the second day. Generally, Hanang mountain can be climbed as a day trip or a two-day excursion, this can be a superior warm-up climb for those preparing for a more challenging hike of the Kilimanjaro Mountain. Up on successful summit and if the peak is clear, you will have a breathtaking view of the beautiful sceneries and a clear view of the whole Katesh town and its villages plus a stunning view of the Balangdalalu Village and the Lake, this mountain is less crowded making it an excellent choice for novice and professional adventurers. Its vast beautiful landscapes and variety of flora and fauna biodiversity that exists on the slopes and in the areas surrounding the mountain such as myriad of colorful birds and many spectacular animals including Elephants, hyenas, baboons, and other monkey species will enhance your hiking experience with so exhilarating moments making you feel the real paradise on earth. You will also be able to witness some beautiful small waterfalls and rivers on the beautiful valleys of Hanang mountain with fresh flowing water that you can choose take a dip during the day. After hiking experience, you have options to experience local communities who lives around this beautiful mountain in Tanzania, an experience that can help you to safely explore the region cultural heritages.


Maasai giraffe lodge Lake Natron

Visitor who chooses to do hiking tour to Hanang Mountain have the opportunity to explore several other options in the area including a visit to the sacred sites within the nature reserve that represent important cultural practices that still continuing living believing in them among the Barabaig and Iraqw communities, you can also learn their cultural values, customs, and tradition by visiting some of these families in Katesh area. You can also opt to visit the soda lake in Gendabi village, Balangdalalu village and the underground freshwater at lake Basotu that adds another dimension to the natural beauty of this area. Hanang Mountain and its natural reserves are the hidden gems in Tanzania with awe-inspiring varieties of cultural and natural attractions that will give you the thrilling moment during your visit to these places in the northern Tanzania. Please contact our experienced experts to assist you on arranging Hanang mountain trek, cultural visit in Hanang, and other tours in this area that will allow you to discover as many things as possible in Tanzania.


Setting off on a trekking journey takes you across diverse terrains, from dense woodlands to wide-open fields, with each stride revealing new flora and fauna. The thrill lies in navigating twisty paths, fording rivers, and pushing your limits, all while being surrounded by pristine, untamed wilderness. Every trek provides the quiet isolation of hidden trails and the satisfaction of exploring untouched regions.

Mount Meru 1

4 Day Mount Meru Trekking Adventure

A thrilling trek through diverse landscapes, from lush forests to volcanic terrain. Tanzania's second-highest peak offers stunning views of Kilimanjaro and rich wildlife. Though challenging, it’s a rewarding adventure for those seeking both physical and scenic thrills.
Oldoinyo Lengai Mountain

2 Day Oldoinyo Lengai Trekking

Standing at around 2,962 meters, it offers a challenging climb with its steep, rugged slopes and unique volcanic terrain. Adventurers are rewarded with breathtaking views of the Great Rift Valley and the surrounding landscapes, along with the rare experience of witnessing the world's only volcano that erupts natrocarbonatite lava.
Tanzani Safrai Manyara

8 Day Tarangire, Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro & Lake Natron Tours

Explore northern and eastern parts of the Serengeti for a chance to witness the wildebeest migration, especially in June and July when herds are spread across northern and western areas, descending to the base of the escarpment near Mt. Ol Doinyo Lengai-one of the world’s most unique active volcanoes
Ngorongoro highland trekking

5 Day Ngorongoro Highland Trekking Tour & Oldoinyo Lengai Climb

Offeing a unique blend of culture, landscapes, and wildlife. Hiking here provides a direct experience of the Maasai way of life and the area's diverse terrain, including volcanoes, craters, forests, and grassy plains. The trek takes you to the edge of the Great Rift Valley, then down to the base of Mt. Ol Doinyo Lengai.
Highland trekking Ngorongoro

7 Day Ngorongoro Trekking & Oldoinyo Lengai

Explore the edge of the Great Rift Valley, then down to the base of Mt. Ol Doinyo Lengai "Mountain of God," one of the world’s most unusual active volcanoes. The journey concludes at Lake Natron, an alkaline lake that is a crucial breeding ground for Lesser Flamingos.
Ngorongoro highlands trekking

6 Day Ngorongoro crater, Trekking & Oldoinyo Lengai

Offeing a unique blend of Safari, culture, landscapes, and wildlife. Hiking provides a direct experience of the Maasai way of life and the area's diverse terrain, including volcanoes, craters, forests, and grassy plains. The trek takes you to the edge of the Great Rift Valley, then down to the base of Mt. Ol Doinyo Lengai.